Membership Meeting, Monday, January 27th at 6:30pm. Murray Center

Dear SOARA Members,

This month, our general membership meeting is Monday, January 27, at 6:30 pm. We will have a presentation via Video Chat from Patrick of Geochron.

If you want to see their premium ham radio product

  • web :
  • in person : Ham Radio Outlet, 933 N Euclid St., Anaheim, CA

Meeting will start at 6:30. We’ll start announcements and what not in time to start the presentation at 7pm, CA time.

Webex will be set up if anyone wants to see just the presentation. We will send a link sometime before the meeting.


Greg Unruh, WE4BY, Vice President

Membership Meeting, Monday, November 18th at 7pm. Murray Center

Dear SOARA Members,

This month, we will be talking mostly about Parks on the Air (POTA), and possibly Summits on the Air (SOTA).

Many people have expressed an interest on participating in activating and hunting, but haven’t created accounts to log POTA activations. We will review where and how to do that, as well as look up who is activated and who’s been spotted (location/mode/frequency). We will cover all of this, then post meeting presentation/notes on our website, with links to the relevant web sites.

I am not overly prepared for this presentation yet. If you would like to help prepare or present anything POTA related, please email me at


Greg Unruh, WE4BY, Vice President